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Pictures and Stories from Kopan Monastery

His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
"If you have taken refuge, your religion is kindness."

Photos, traveller tales and audio recordings from former students of Kopan Monastery.

Click on any picture below to see a larger image:

Check your luggage at the gate

The students of the 2001 Nov course

Kopan monks


The students gompa

The main gompa

One of the cats (Jenifer) living at the monastery.

2001 course teacher, Venerable Neil Dondrup and student.
More than 200 students from over 27 countries attended the 2001 Lam Rim retreat. I had the opportunity to meet friends and minds from all over the world including Australia, France, Singapore, USA, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, India, Israel, Taiwan, Brazil, Finland, Thailand, China, Guatemala, Belgium and Turkey.
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Buddhist meditation retreat: Tibetan Buddhist meditation retreat in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.

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